“Your Own Sir John Soane’s Museum” is a conjunct project of several weeks. It is a sequence, therefore each step leads up to the final result. Sir John Soane’s Museum is situated in London, consisting over 45,000 objects and approximately 30,000 architectural drawings in one museum space. The idea of this project is that the students of Istanbul Bilgi University getting courses of ARCH103 and IND103 create their own collection and keep it in a space, juxtaposed with a story that they built on their own.
The drawings are this superimposition of their personal ideas, memories, objects of fascination, dreams… They represent their personal identity through certain limitations, such as sticking to the plan scheme and proportions generated by Dom Hans van der Laan. They use these limitations for their own favor in order to create the ideal representation that shows us they merged the technical and creative drawing skills all together.
Your Own Sir John Soane's Museum
First result is a set of 5 drawings (1 plan and 4 elevations) which is a mix of digital scaling and hand drawing. The second set of drawings consists the same 5 drawings, but this time with remaking their drawings under the influence of “Drawing Ambiance”, where the famous chairman of Architectural Association, Alvin Boyarsky, brought an ambitious exhibition of drawings together.
Students of ARCH103, Istanbul Bilgi University: Husna Shujja, Idil Erduran, Kamila Zhamankulova, Ola Haimur
Students of IND103, Istanbul Bilgi University: Ayzen Kaymaz, Ceyda Yavuz, Derin Barutçu, Sude Naz Temiz, Zeynep Rana Apaydın