Speculative Nematode
“Map for a Flea” is an experimental mini-documentary, in which the maker deals with her personal history and tries to merge it with that of the collective. It examines the disconnection between macro-history, and goes in depth with the other participants’ experiences and their imaginations of becoming one with the other.
The film is an imaginative connection between the maker’s narrative that was fixated in a certain authorship over the text and realisation that the text was part of the of the collective since the beginning. Based on the similarities, the maker, or the collective, re-constructs a speculative narrative that blends the reality of human and more-than-human with visuals from these encounters. A fictional flea accidents with acid? A dead flea skin on the soil in which atoms vibrate but never touch? Or the flea being deaf but vibration-sensitive? A non-linear narrative that hovers between documentary and fiction, reality and distortion. It gives the spectator an invitation to empathise what it would be like to be a flea with free associations, through a visual journey that jumps from one topic the next in a non-chronical order.
This mini-documentary was produced during the workshop “Speculative Nematode” which took place in ITU Faculty of Architecture and had later been exhibited there between 14th to 25th of September, 2022.